Welcome to African Alpacas, the home of quality alpaca breeding, boarding and stud services.

We are based in a new purpose built farm, Inca Vale, in the Boland just south of Wellingtion. We are open to visitors by appointment.
By car it is 50 minutes from Cape Town.
Whether you're an experienced alpaca breeder or new to these unique and beautiful animals you will enjoy working with Dr Gavin Lindhorst, owner of African Alpacas. His enthusiasm and love for alpacas has influenced the development of the alpaca business in South Africa for the past twelve years.

Gavin is the pioneer and founder of the alpaca industry in South Africa, is instrumental in the creation of the import protocols between SA, Chile and Australia and founder of the SA Alpaca Breeders Club.
Facilitator in the alpacas being accepted as a new breed in SA, and integrated into SA Stud Book registry and instrumental in the transition to the formation of a society.
Importer of over 260 alpacas


If you're interested in alpacas, start your journey of discovery at African Alpacas. You'll find sound advice backed by unmatched experience, quality alpacas for sale and stud, and a contagious passion and respect for alpacas.
0000African Alpacas Copyright 2005 | Tel: 082 340 2650